My ritual and working will be a bit late, but I laid the foundation for it last night and this morning.

Imbolc has always been a special holy day for me, given my calling to Brighid many years ago, given that I gave Jasmine over to her Fire with a prayer I wrote, given that it was my first real ritual experience with a hps. It's fitting, then, that this return I'm having would start with Imbolc.

Yesterday my new Brighid statue arrived from Sacred Source. It's the same image of Brighid that we regularly connected with in Central Illinois, and the one you can see in Nina's dedication photo. I left that particular statue with Prairie Fire when I left Illinois, and while I don't regret that decision in the slightest, I have missed the connection. Seems fitting too that I would again feel a connection like this with a deity who straddles the mythos of Ireland and Christ, given where I am with that right now.
This year's working will involve goals, the planting of herb seeds and a tarot focus. I ordered the seeds this morning after choosing them carefully to support my prayers. We have a lovely mud room/entry way with many windows and abundant shelf space; this will become the home for these seeds once they arrive and I plant them. I will include cards with my prayer, votives and the tarot focus for each as I tend them. I'm looking forward to a year of manifesting many things, not the least of which is a renewal of my spiritual life.